Best Automating Mobile App Testing Tools


Smartphones have completely changed our lives in the last ten years, and not just in terms of communication. In addition to calling, texting, and emailing, more than two billion people use these devices globally today for navigation, cab booking, comparing product reviews and prices, following the news, watching movies, listening to music, playing video games, remembering vacations, and, last but not least, engaging in social media.

With each passing day, smartphones are becoming more and more powerful and versatile. A lot of people these days prefer working entirely from their smartphones. Moreover, smartphones come at cheaper rates than traditional computers or laptops and also offer many additional functions like capturing images, audio, and video, so a lot of people are also using a smartphone for their needs because of economic reasons.

As the user base of smartphones is increasing, naturally, the user base of mobile applications is also increasing with it. Mobile applications are compact, convenient, and handy. They are also getting increasingly sophisticated and can also do the heavy lifting, much like their software counterparts. These apps go through rigorous testing to meet industry standards. The process of Automating Mobile App Testing is made increasingly more efficient and simple via the help of automation.

Table of Contents

What Do You Mean By Automation Of Mobile App Testing?

The usability, functionality, and performance of mobile apps are assessed by a type of automated software testing known as mobile test automation. Both a mobile device’s hardware and software modules undergo evaluation.

What Is The Significance Of Automation In Mobile App Testing?

An average user’s phone has at least 40 applications installed as of 2019, and millennials have about 67 apps. There is a good reason why testing mobile apps is an essential phase in the creation of any app. We require Automating Mobile App Testing in order to guarantee that our consumers have a consistent experience across all devices.

However, the world is split between iOS and Android users; data indicates that there are 26.91% iOS users and 72.48% Android users worldwide.

Because people download and utilize apps on a variety of devices running different Android versions, comprehensive mobile testing is necessary when creating mobile apps. Mobile app automation testing enters the picture in this situation. Automation testing tools are true saviors that can essentially simplify our lives. Automation technologies enable a quicker time to market since they speed up several testing funnels while also dramatically reducing mistakes and feedback loops.

When working with various data sets, automation is quite valuable. Many automation testing technologies offer simultaneous test execution.

What Are The Top Mobile App Automation Testing Tools?


The flexible automation solution for testing mobile apps from Testsigma offers mobile app testing across different Android and iOS versions. Test cases can be written in simple English while using Testigma, and AI is used to manage automated testing. As testing is run on the cloud, scalability is at your fingertips, with over 2,000 devices immediately available. The tool allows concurrent test executions and heavily adopts a data-driven testing methodology.


Appium is a very popular Automating Mobile App Testing tool, particularly within the open-source community. This tool is used to test both Android and iOS apps, and the most remarkable thing about this tool is that it supports any framework, tools, and best practices of your choosing. It adheres to the WebDriver protocol.

Additionally, it allows testing native, hybrid, and mobile web applications written using a variety of programming languages, including Java, Ruby, C#, Javascript, PHP, and Python. Due to its open-source nature, it also has a vibrant community!

Appium claims a simple setup procedure and the freedom to reuse the source code within the frameworks of Android and iOS. It is a cross-platform solution that one can get for almost any platform and comes with a GUI wrapper over the Appium server.


Because it works well for regression testing as well as functional testing and allows various device control for Android apps, MonkeyRunner is a well-liked testing solution. We may create the test scripts in Python, which is ideal for functional test execution and for unit test suites.

Quite interestingly, MonkeyRunner utilizes Jython, a Java-based Python implementation, which enables the MonkeyRunner API to communicate with the Android framework. It’s interesting that this program can perform tests and contrast the screenshots of the results with a collection of screenshots that are intended to be accurate.


Selendroid is an excellent open-source automated testing tool for Android. Selenium has cross-browser testing capabilities, which you may be familiar with if you’ve used it to run tests. That’s how Selendroid can do tests on numerous devices at once. This program supports both actual hardware and emulators, making it great for running native and hybrid Automating Mobile App Testing.

There is an inspector tool incorporated into Selendroid that can check UI components for both recent and old Android versions. The same principles apply to both native and hybrid apps.


Robotium is by far the most adaptable open-source automation testing solution available for Android. It supports all Android versions (and sub-versions) but has drawbacks, including the inability to handle many activities and excruciatingly poor test execution performance. Robotium, which is renowned for its smooth interaction with IDE, enables you to develop black-box test cases for Android apps independently.


Espresso, a tool created by Google for Android, enables you to develop trustworthy and effective Android UI tests. The developer may easily modify and customize this open-source technology to suit their needs. The technology supports automatic synchronization of apps and tests, and most developers like Espresso due to its straightforward API and customization options.

UI Automator

Writing test cases using UI Automator can be easily achieved even if you don’t completely understand how an application is implemented. This makes it almost perfect for Android testing. It has been enhanced by Google and now works with a variety of Android apps. This utility can benefit customers who use devices with older Android versions.

In fact, developers can even test apps for Android 4.1 smartphones. One can scan and examine UI components in mobile devices using the UI Automator Viewer option provided by this app. 


The tools discussed so far in this article deal with Android app testing. Frank is a framework that solely enables testing iOS apps. Being an open-source application, it offers a fantastic community full of geeks. Although Cucumber may be used to write tests, JSON is smoothly integrated with Cucumber by the framework. This tool’s Symbiote feature, which contains an app inspector that provides in-depth information on active apps, increases its power. Additionally, it can manage several tests on devices and simulators and provides continuous integration.


Ranorex provides end-to-end testing for mobile, web, and desktop applications and supports testing for both iOS and Android. This code-free automation tool supports .NET, C#, HTML5, Java, and other languages and enables us to test apps using a data-driven testing methodology. This GUI test automation framework is suitable for both inexperienced and seasoned engineers, and it can also be connected with DevOps technologies.


EarlGrey is a testing framework for iOS mobile apps created and maintained by Google. It includes features like synchronization, visibility checks, and user-like interaction. This functionality, which enables one to track multiple sources/states that might impact the app’s performance, is frequently selected owing to its synchronization. For instance, the UI of the app, network issues, and anything else that may be resolved immediately.


This particular Automating Mobile App Testing tool is primarily known for testing iOS applications. XCUITest is a framework designed to generate and execute UI tests on iOS apps using Swift and Objective C. It was released by Apple in 2015. It is frequently regarded as the ideal tool for developing automated testing for native iOS apps. It is renowned for its quick execution, simple interface, low flakiness, and straightforward test administration.

Nevertheless, because it is not a cross-platform framework, tests created here cannot be used to validate Android apps. In addition, you are limited in the programming languages you may use to develop tests (Java, Ruby, Python). Swift alone will do.

Despite these restrictions, XCUITest is said to be most useful when used with iOS apps because it was created by Apple to perfectly fit their environment.

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